Tuesday, November 13, 2007

We have our security system now!

Our security system was installed tody! So much to remember, but very cool. It tells me on chime mode when the doors are opening so that I can keep track of the kids at all times. And when we leave the house or go to bed, I can arm the alarm so that if anyone breaks in the police are automatically notified. There's also a way to call the police and fire dept right from our alarm and if anyone ever followed us home and told us to turn our security alarms off, there's a hostage alarm that they'd never even know about...they'd just think we were disarming the alarm. The police would instantly be notified. Very cool! Not bad for $30 a month for the extra security.

1 comment:

Kutnkudlys' Kreations said...

Not a bad deal at all, and with all those kadiddles running around, it's a small price to pay to know where they're at!